New research has proven the health benefits to alkaline water. Please explore our range of filter cartridges that enhance the beneficial “living” qualities of your filtered water. These cartridges can be supplied and fitted in addition to most standard filtration systems we supply.   Alkalizer, Anti Oxidiser, Orp, Mineraliser Energisers.


 The Granulated Activated Carbon cleans and clears the water absorbing any chemicals such as chlorine or odour and makes the water taste great.

Pi Vitality + | ALKALISER | *ANTI OXIDISER *ORP | *MINERALISER | *ENERGISER | *IONISER The Pi Vitality + alkaliser filter raises pH levels as well as producing antioxidant and oxygenating qualities. The filter also emits far-infrared rays which result in shorter cluster chains in the water molecules this the ORP potential. Increasing the availabity of the body to absorb the oxygen in the body.

Great for Travel - Enjoy oxygenated, ionised water with pH of 9.0 to 9.5.

Service and Maintenance. Water Filter replacements. Water Cooler cleaning. Repairs, installations and regular maintenance schedules. Reverse osmosis service and repairs.  Zip, Supatap, Waterworks, Aqua one, All the big brands and more….